I am hiring contingent


The Connecting-Expertise platform helps you find external employees quickly and efficiently. Search profiles from individual freelancers to large suppliers and optimize your recruitment process.

Hiring contingent workers

Discover our platform



+ 1.600 freelancers available for all your assignments 



+ 2.500 suppliers active on our platform 

What we have to offer

hiring contingent workers

More efficient: Hiring contingent workers on the Connecting-Expertise platform

Hiring contingent workers has never been easier. Enter a (predefined) job profile on our user-friendly platform and get the best matches delivered to you. What’s more, it allows you to easily compare profiles from the same list.

Cheaper: Easily reduce the cost of your recruitment process

Is hiring external employees too costly? Not with the right partner. Our platform realizes significant cost savings for both large and small companies. Together we will find the best solution for your organization. For further questions, contact us here. By the way, did you know that we have a LinkedIn page? Follow our daily activities here.

hiring contingent workers


Please fill out this form to contact us. We will answer your questions as soon as possible.