API for Suppliers
We've crafted a new API specifically for our suppliers, enabling seamless integration of your ATS with ours, ensuring vacancies from our CE VMS automatically appear in your system, saving time, enhancing data accuracy, and cutting costs.

Connect your Applicant Tracking System to Our Platform via the Connecting-Exeprtise API
Centralized Processes
The API brings all the vacancies from our platform into your system. This saves you time by having only one system to interact with.
All Data in One Place
All the information you need is in your own system. The API handles the communication of data from the VMS to your system.
No Applications Missed
You can subscribe to a queue system, where each CE-VMS application event is published to your message inbox as a unique message. You’ll be notified when a new message has been published and will be able to respond accordingly.

How it Works
The new API ensures that vacancies created in our CE VMS will automatically show up in your own ATS as well. This way, your account managers no longer need to work in both systems, as everything is centralized in your ATS.
Discover our CE Open Api
The Connecting-Expertise Vendor Management System referred to as CE-VMS, exposes services via REST. With our REST API, called Connecting-Expertise OpenApi, you develop applications that are able to exchange data with the CE VMS. Our Connecting-Expertise OpenApi Event Message Inbox (CE-OpenApi EMI) is a queue system. This system keeps you updated about every system event.

Contact us
Company information
PHONE +32 (0)3 304 83 76
ADDRESS Cockerillkaai 11/16 - 2000 Antwerp
EMAIL info@connecting-expertise.com