Terms of Use

Thank you for choosing Connecting-Expertise!

These Terms of Use govern your use of the Connecting-Expertise platform.

These Terms of Use specify the general conditions of use and give guidelines as to the acceptable and unacceptable use of it. They are intended to protect the rights and interests of the active buyers and suppliers on the platform, as well as those of Connecting-Expertise.

By accessing and/or using all or part of the Connecting-Expertise platform, you de facto agree to be fully bound by these terms. Otherwise, you are not allowed to use it.

Please read this document carefully before you start using the platform. Also keep in mind that this document remains subject to the legislation in force.

1. Presentation of Connecting-Expertise (PIXID S.A.)

PIXID S.A. is a Belgium-based company. Connecting-Expertise is its trade name.

Our mission is to provide our customers and any supplier with a company number with a modular SaaS platform for sourcing and managing contingent workforces. We are committed to providing it in a neutral, fair and respectful manner.

2. Definitions  

To avoid any ambiguity, we specify below the meaning of certain concepts:

  • Connecting-Expertise platform means our vendor management system and marketplace, accessible via our website or various api’s.
  • User means any person or entity that accesses and uses the Connecting-Expertise platform, whether as an administrator, provider or other system-defined role.
  • Adherence to Terms: By using our Connecting-Expertise platform, you acknowledge that you have read, understood and agree to be bound by these Terms of Use. If you do not agree to them, you are not allowed to use the Connecting-Expertise platform.  
  • Reasonable use of the platform: we devote a specific paragraph to this point. This is to strictly limit the use of our Connecting-Expertise platform to normal use in accordance with ethics and the legislation in force.
  • Contingent workforces refer to all categories of external workers whose sourcing and administrative processes can be carried out via the Connecting-Expertise platform. These external workers can be contractors, freelancers and temporary workers, et cetera.
  • Concept of neutrality: The Connecting-Expertise platform aims to be completely neutral in terms of the transactions between customers and suppliers. The Connecting-Expertise platform supports the purchasing strategy of each of our customers, according to their own objectives. It allows them to structure and highlight information and communicate effectively between users.  
  • Concept of fairness: The Connecting-Expertise platform aims to facilitate contact and communication between customers and suppliers. With this in mind, Connecting-Expertise manages its platform with integrity and impartiality.

We expect the same from our users. Customers are free to choose the suppliers they want to work with. Clients are solely responsible for the candidate choices they make. Suppliers have complete freedom to respond to published requests.

  • Concept of respect: The Connecting-Expertise platform and its users will act respectfully, transparently and honestly. The information published will accurately reflect reality (job descriptions, skills-experiences-qualifications of candidates, formal agreements given via the platform, etc.). Communications between users are respectful and professional. Harassment, threats or any form of abusive behavior are not tolerated.
3. Data Privacy

The Connecting-Expertise platform and the data contained therein, constitute confidential and exclusive information owned by Connecting-Expertise. Without the prior agreement of Connecting-Expertise, you may not disclose this data to third parties.

Connecting-Expertise implements technical and organisational measures to protect personal data against (a) accidental or unlawful destruction, (b) accidental loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure or access and (c) against all other unlawful forms of processing. It is understood that these measures shall provide an appropriate and reasonable level of security relative to the risk of disclosure in connection with the processing of and nature of the personal data. These measures will prevent any unnecessary collection and further processing of the personal data.

Connecting-Expertise clients and suppliers are responsible for the data content they introduce in the Connecting-Expertise platform, and the configuration of their specific data usage.  

Connecting-Expertise ensures that the personal data is kept confidential and is only accessible to its personnel on a need-to- know basis. Connecting-Expertise clients and suppliers are responsible for obtaining the necessary authorisations to process personal data, should this be required for Data Privacy reasons. Suppliers are expected to inform and obtain an agreement from the (external) personnel they propose to customers.  

Our Privacy Policy governs the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information when you use the Connecting-Expertise platform. By using it, you consent de facto to the collection and use of your information in accordance with our Privacy Policy which you will find on our website (https://Connecting-Expertise.com).

4. Your user account and its use

You must create a user account for which you are responsible (maintaining the confidentiality of your account credentials, activity related to your account, …).

By creating yourself (or via a third party) a user account on the Connecting-Expertise platform, you confirm that all your registration information is true, accurate and complete.  

If this data changes, you agree to modify it yourself immediately.

You also agree to notify us immediately in writing of any unauthorised use of your account or any breach of security.

The Connecting-Expertise platform cannot be held liable for any damage whatsoever.

5. Customer Support

If you have any questions regarding:

  • The Connecting-Expertise platform (access and technical questions).
  • These “Terms of Use”.

Please contact our customer service via support@Connecting-Expertise.com.

6. Third-Party Applications or Third-Party Content

The Connecting-Expertise platform and services may be linked to software applications owned and operated by third parties (“Third-Party Applications”). These Third-Party Applications, and any Third-Party Content available through such Applications (“Third-Party Application Content”), are provided by the relevant third parties only and not by Connecting-Expertise.

Use of Third-Party Applications and Third-Party Application Content is subject to the Terms of Use for such Third-Party Applications.  

7. Reasonable Use and Limits of Use

As explained in point 1 above, our mission is to provide a modular SaaS platform for sourcing and managing contingent workers that is (1) neutral, (2) fair and (3) respectful.

Any access to the Connecting-Expertise platform must be within the framework of an authorised use.

You agree to use our Connecting-Expertise platform in an acceptable way:

  • You use it only for legally acceptable, lawful and ethical purposes.
  • You do not disseminate illegal, offensive, defamatory, obscene or harmful content.
  • You do not attempt to access other users’ accounts, systems, or data without authorization.
  • You do not perform activities likely to compromise its security or integrity.

You agree not to access - or use – the Connecting-Expertise platform in a way that could damage, disable, overburden, impair or otherwise result in unauthorised access or interference with the proper functioning of any account, system or network of the Connecting-Expertise platform or its customers.

Limitation of use:

In order to guarantee the optimal performance of our Connecting-Expertise platform, we apply a Terms of use in order to prevent any abuse and preserve its quality. In this context, we define reasonable usage limits for each type of user account: system resources, bandwidth, number of requests, or any other relevant criteria.

These limits are revised periodically to reflect user needs and ensure a fair experience for all.

In case of unreasonable use, Connecting-Expertise reserves the right to limit, suspend or terminate your access. (Please refer to point 12 "Suspension and Termination" for more information on this subject.)

We also draw your attention to the fact that:

  • Transactions must be legitimate and related to the activity of the Connecting-Expertise platform.  
  • You must comply with all applicable laws and regulations in Belgium and, more broadly, within the European Union.
  • Users of the Connecting-Expertise platform must respect intellectual property rights.

Below, we enclose a non-exhaustive list of behaviours and uses that are strictly prohibited:

  • Fraudulent activities:

Any attempt to engage, directly or indirectly, in fraudulent activities, including false reviews, misrepresentations or deceptive practices.

  • Unauthorised use:

Users shall not, directly or indirectly, attempt to gain unauthorised access to the platform, user accounts or any confidential information. Examples include, but are not limited to, phishing, spamming, scrapings activities, the use of malware / spyware, any activity likely to disrupt or harm the functionality of the Connecting-Expertise platform, …

  • Illegal activities:

The platform must not be used, directly or indirectly, for illegal purposes such as (but not limited to) money laundering, corruption, or any criminal activity, …

  • Harmful activities:

It is prohibited to have any activity on the Connecting-Expertise platform that directly or indirectly violates the rights of others, may harm others / our operations / our reputation. Please note we consider incitement to hatred and harassment to be part of this category of harmful activities.

  • Privacy breach:

All users must respect the privacy of other users and must not under any circumstances, directly or indirectly, use personal information obtained through the platform for malicious purposes.

  • Exploitation, sexualisation and mistreatment of human beings:

Activity related to the exploitation, sexualisation and abuse of minors or adults is not tolerated on the Connecting-Expertise platform.

  • Any activity and content not directly related to the activity of the Connecting-Expertise platform.

Connecting-Expertise reserves the right to investigate any reported violation of these reasonable rules of use and limits of use in whole or in part. Appropriate measures, including - but potentially not limited to - immediate suspension or termination of accounts, may be taken depending on the severity and frequency of the violations. (Please refer to point 12 "Suspension and Termination" for more information on this subject.)

Connecting-Expertise also reserves the right to report any activity that we suspect may violate any law or regulation to those responsible for enforcing such laws or regulations or to any lawful third party. This reporting may, in this context, include the disclosure of appropriate information from users of the Connecting-Expertise.  

We may also co-operate with any legitimate external party to assist in the investigation and prosecution of illegal behaviour by providing any information contained on Connecting-Expertise.

Connecting-Expertise also reserves the right to charge the cost of direct damages related to this unreasonable use.

For any questions, concerns, or reports of violations related to this Terms of use, please contact our support team at support@Connecting-Expertise.com.

For any user who believes that they have been unfairly penalised by such a decision, please contact our support team via the same email address.

8. Restrictions on Use

As a user, you are granted a limited, non-exclusive and revocable subscription to use the Connecting-Expertise platform. You do not have the right to transfer or sub-subscript your rights under these Terms of Use. You do, however, have the right to delegate your user access to another existing user.  

To eliminate any doubt, you agree not to (without limitation):

  • Copy, reproduce, record, make available to the public or otherwise use any part of the Connecting-Expertise platform or its content in any way not expressly authorised by this agreement.
  • Sell or attempt to sell any invitation to access the Connecting-Expertise platform or resell any access to the Connecting-Expertise platform, unless explicitly authorised.
  • Provide your password to any other person or use another person's username and password.
  • Reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, modify or create derivative works based on the Connecting-Expertise platform or any part thereof.
  • Bypass any technology used by the Connecting-Expertise platform, its licensors or any third party to protect the content accessible therein.
  • Rent or lease any part of Connecting-Expertise platform.
  • Use the Connecting-Expertise platform in any way that violates the terms of this agreement.
  • Use any functionality of the Connecting-Expertise platform using a script or other automated process (e.g. using software robots, web crawlers, ...) without prior and explicit approval by Connecting-Expertise.
  • Upload any file with illegal content or containing viruses to the Connecting-Expertise platform.

Additionally, you agree to take all reasonable precautions to prevent unauthorised use of the Connecting-Expertise platform and its content.

You also acknowledge and agree that Connecting-Expertise may remove your username at any time if Connecting-Expertise considers such action appropriate.

9. Uploading and downloading files

You are responsible for

  • All activities performed under your user account.
  • Any content you upload, transmit or share through our platform.

Although we have taken a number of measures to prevent issues with file uploads, it is also your responsibility to make sure that your desktop or laptop is equipped with recent anti-virus software to protect yourself against malware or viruses.

Please note that the Connecting-Expertise platform reserves the right to limit the size and type of files.

10. Intellectual property

Connecting-Expertise respects intellectual property rights and expects you to do the same.

You acknowledge and agree that our VMS platform, including but not limited to, software, applications, user interfaces, designs, trademarks, logos and other content, are protected by intellectual property laws (including but not limited to copyright), and belong to our company.

Any application and content provided through Connecting-Expertise's licensors are also protected by intellectual property rights (including but not limited to copyright).

Connecting-Expertise does not, however, claim intellectual property over all the information that you submit as part of your use.

However, you give Connecting-Expertise permission to use, copy, distribute, display, publish your publications if necessary, but only in the context of the VMS features we offer our users.

As a reminder, you - as a user - do not have the right to use the Connecting-Expertise platform (including, but not limited to, its content) in a way not covered by these Terms of Use.

11. Notice and Review

In the event of a violation of our Terms of use, we will notify you in writing via the email address mentioned in your user account and provide you with the opportunity to correct your behavior in order to respect the reasonable use limits. Please refer to point 12 "Suspension and Termination" for more information on this subject.

12. Suspension and Termination

These Terms of Use come in effect when you create your account on the Connecting-Expertise platform and/or when you start using it. They remain applicable until the termination of your account by you or Connecting-Expertise or the use of our platform is stopped.

Every user is free to terminate their account or stop using the Connecting-Expertise platform at any time. Its effect will be immediate. However, this will not entitle the user to a full or partial refund of any subscription fee paid.

In the event of prior warning(s) of non-compliance with this policy, and if you continue to violate it despite the warning(s), we may take appropriate action, including throttling bandwidth, restricting access, or terminating your account.

Connecting-Expertise reserves the right to terminate your access to Connecting-Expertise platform at any time, in whole or in part, in the event of a violation of our Terms of Service, including the Terms of use, or for any other valid reason.

This does not exclude, in certain justified situations, the possibility for Connecting-Expertise platform to suspend a user account without any prior warning.

13. Changes to the Terms of Use

Using the Connecting-Expertise platform means that you adhere to its Terms of Use.

Connecting-Expertise platform reserves the right to revise these Terms of Use at any time to:

• reflect changes in the VMS platform.

• comply with legal or regulatory requirements.

The modifications will be effective as soon as they are published on the Connecting-Expertise website.

Continuing to use Connecting-Expertise platform implies the de facto agreement to the revised and published Terms of Use.

14. Warranty

The use of the Connecting-Expertise platform (included but not limited to its content) is at your own risk. The Connecting-Expertise platform is provided and subscribed on an “as is” and “as available” basis. To the fullest extent possible under applicable law, Connecting-Expertise disclaims and gives no warranty, express or implied, including without limitation any warranty as to the quality, content and availability or fitness for a specific purpose of the Connecting-Expertise platform or warranty of title or non-infringement. In addition, Connecting-Expertise does not warrant, endorse, guarantee or assume responsibility for any Third-Party Application, Third-Party Application content or any other product or service advertised or offered by a third party on or through the Connecting-Expertise platform or any hyperlinked website, or featured in any banner or other advertising. Consequently Connecting-Expertise will in no way be responsible for any transaction between you and third-party providers of Third-Party Applications or products or services advertised on or through the Connecting-Expertise Service. As with any purchase of a product or service through any medium or in any environment, you should use your judgment and exercise caution where appropriate. No advice or information, whether oral or in writing obtained by you from Connecting-Expertise, shall create any warranty on behalf of Connecting-Expertise in this regard.

15. Limitation of liability

To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall Connecting-Expertise , its affiliates, officers, directors, employees or subscribers be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages (including but not limited to any loss of profits, business interruption, corruption of files, loss of business information, loss of data, service interruption, computer failure or pecuniary loss) arising from the use of or inability to use the Connecting-Expertise platform (including but not limited to its content),  the third-party applications or the third-party application content even if you have advised Connecting-Expertise about the possibility of such loss, and including any damaged resulting therefrom.  

With respect to any issues you may encounter in using the platform, or any dissatisfaction with the platform, we invite you to contact our support mailbox. Please note that not every functional request will necessarily lead to a modification of the platform.

16.  Indemnity

You agree to indemnify and hold Connecting-Expertise and its officers, directors, employees and subscribers harmless from any claim or demand (including but not limited to reasonable legal fees) made by a third party due to or arising from or related to your violation of the terms and conditions of this Agreement or your violation of any laws, regulations or third-party rights.  

17. Contingent workforce  

Each User acknowledges and agrees that the relationship between Clients and Users (suppliers) is one of independent contractors. Nothing in this Terms of Use document creates a partnership, joint venture, agency or employment relationship between: (1) Clients and Users; or (2) between Connecting-Expertise and any User.  

Clients, Users and Connecting-Expertise acknowledge and accept that instructions given to workers as part of this agreement, shall not be regarded upon as confirmation of an employment relationship.  

These instructions include:  

  • Instructions and/ or procedures regarding site access, security and preservation.
  • Instructions and/or procedures to operate machines, materials, goods or process documents appropriately.  
  • Instructions regarding normal working day hours at Client and/or Supplier.  
  • Instructions based upon the work agreement between Client and Supplier.  
  • Instructions and remarks regarding non-compliant execution of work (as defined between Client and Supplier).
  • Instructions regarding the correct execution of the work agreed upon between Client and Supplier.

By no means these instructions will undermine employer and/or contractor authority.  

18. Inappropriate use of the Connecting-Expertise trade name

Connecting-Expertise reserves the right to sue any natural and/or legal person who abuses in any way the use of our Connecting-Expertise name.

19. Prices

Connecting-Expertise may change the price of its Services. Price changes will always take effect as from the next effective billing period. Any price change will be communicated to you at least 14 days before it becomes effective. If you do not wish to be bound by such a price change, you may terminate your use of the platform in accordance with the applicable term and termination clauses.

Your continued use of our services after the communication of the price change constitutes acceptance of this new price.

20. Subscription duration

Unless agreed upon otherwise with your organization, your subscription and without any counter-indication on your part, your subscription will remain active until you decide to stop it.

21. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution

These Terms of Use are governed by applicable Belgian and European laws and regulations. Any dispute arising from these Terms of Use will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Antwerp.